Wednesday, August 5, 2015

#MTBoSBlaugust... Start, Stop and Continue

-journal writing once or twice a week (answer essential questions in section of interactive notebook and write weekly reflections on a form on my website)
-adding bell work and journal sections to the interactive notebook, joining activities and vocabulary sections already implemented.
-planning with two other Geometry teachers at my school (admin has carved out time for us to meet every other week, all week if we choose!)
-taking a leadership role at my school
-using more inquiry and group activities, less bookwork

-lecturing as a whole group 
-having students write all notes (give guided notes and facilitate discussions instead)
-answering questions that other students would benefit from answering.

-using the interactive notebooks
-using standards based grading for quizzes (but get better and more consistent with retakes and documentation of practice prior to retakes)
-stalking blogs and Pinterest for new ideas!

#MTBoSBlaugust...Show Us Your Classroom

Here is a previous post as I worked on my classroom.
I had to buy this the other day at Walmart! Perfect for a Geometry teacher!

I have heard so much about the glue sponges and thought I would try them this year for our interactive notebooks. So far I love them and they only cost about $10 for all 12.  The containers are 2 for $1 at Dollar Tree, the sponges were also 2 for $1 at Dollar Tree and glue was free (inherited from previous teacher in my room) but I figured $1 for 2 bottles, which was all I needed.

One of my tables and sloppily covered chair (which I'll fix tomorrow).

My teacher station: computer and document camera, not set up yet!

My podium has two pockets charts, one on each side. This side contains my flip chart folders I use every year for anecdotal notes. Read about them here.

The crates with color-coded hanging folders will hold students tests and quizzes and other artifacts of learning. Gotta move the extra plastic containers.

Garbage cans for trash from interactive notebooks, green crate is the "while you were out" absent work container, blue crate for whiteboards, markers and erasers, and the pink trays for turning in assignments.

I made the supercalifragilisticexpialidocious letters for a friend's classroom along with the Mary Poppins quote below. She's a huge Disney fan!!!

Since teachers return tomorrow, I'll be back in my room finishing up before our Open House Thursday evening.

#MTBoSBlaugust...What Do I Hope to Get Out of Blaugust This Year?

I have been blogging on a small scale for about 3-4 years. I blog basically to have a repository of my thoughts, activities and pictures. There is no greater thrill than being on Pinterest and finding that someone loves you idea and has even added suggestions. I don't think I am followed by many, but I would like to change that. I have to say that Sarah Hagan at Math=Love commented on my classroom photos and made my day!!!!
There are over 100 blogs in my freely that I follow. I often get ideas from them but don't have the connection to be able to bounce ideas off of.  In my past teaching experiences, I have been isolated often being the only teaching in the district to teach a subject. This year I will be co-planning with 2 teachers that will also be teaching geometry. 
My hope for Blaugust is that I can reach out and make those new connections with teachers. I want to become part of a larger group and be able to share ideas to collectively help our students.