Sunday, August 2, 2015

#MTBoSBlaugust...What Do I Hope to Get Out of Blaugust This Year?

I have been blogging on a small scale for about 3-4 years. I blog basically to have a repository of my thoughts, activities and pictures. There is no greater thrill than being on Pinterest and finding that someone loves you idea and has even added suggestions. I don't think I am followed by many, but I would like to change that. I have to say that Sarah Hagan at Math=Love commented on my classroom photos and made my day!!!!
There are over 100 blogs in my freely that I follow. I often get ideas from them but don't have the connection to be able to bounce ideas off of.  In my past teaching experiences, I have been isolated often being the only teaching in the district to teach a subject. This year I will be co-planning with 2 teachers that will also be teaching geometry. 
My hope for Blaugust is that I can reach out and make those new connections with teachers. I want to become part of a larger group and be able to share ideas to collectively help our students. 

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